
We are here to capture that ultimate moment with the best aerial videography, photography and drone hire. KCM only uses the best drone technology. With our market leading drones we can take photos and videos like never before. We can provide an impeccable service for Construction 3D mapping, Agriculture -crop count- field walking - field mapping, estate agents, Landscapers, to name but a few of our regular customers.

Each job is unique and the price will very on associated risks, project needs, location of the drone use, team required to produce the best results for each task, enquiry we will need and the amount of time required to complete your project to its full potential

All drone flights we take are regulated by CAA regulations. We always carry out a detailed online Pre-flight survey, and from time to time require a site visit if we cannot complete the online Pre flight survey.

How to apply drones to everyday work flows?
- Crop scouting: Using drones is a much quicker, simpler way of scouting crops to find irregularities and issues so that you can reduce variability and solve problems faster.
- Soil mapping: Identify crop variation and damage across an entire field in a matter of hours.
- Irrigation optimization: Drone imagery helps identify irregularities in irrigation based on vegetative cover and other indicators that you can only see from overhead, so you can make adjustments and achieve irrigation uniformity.
- Drainage repair: Fix drainage issues so that water is consistent across the crop.
- Yield optimisation: Make the right crop adjustments faster with instant data and detailed mapping.
-Yield projections: Make accurate projections based on detailed, high-resolution mapping.
- Nitrogen application: More easily see nitrogen deficiencies in your crops.
- Emergence/Stand count: Determine if you need to replant in any areas.
- Equipment malfunction detection: Catch equipment issues that result in uneven seeding, pesticides distribution or replanting or gaps in plants.

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Promotional Videos 

As you can see we provide promotional videos for a variety of customers. 

- Weddings/Birthday Party's
- Sporting Events
- School/University/Collage Events
- Hotel Promos
- Golf Course Imagery 
- Estate Agent Property 
- Seasonal Videos

for more information contact us


KCM Aerial Images also offers inspections for:

- Site Surveys
- Wind Turbines
- Overhead Power Lines
- Chimney & Cooling Towers
- Roof Inspetions 
- Solar Farms

for more information contact us

Other Services

Our extensive repertoire of services consists  of :

- Missing Person/Pet Imagery
- 3D Mapping
- 360 Panoramic Virtual Tours
- Crop dusting for Agriculture industry. (Not In UK Yet)
- Crop analysis.

We pride ourselves on delivery our customer needs so if your requirement are outside those that are listed please ring us and we will endeavour to achieve this for you.

Call Us
If you are wanting more information about our services don't be shy to either call us or fill out the form below. 
If you have any questions or would like a quote on a services of ours don't be shy to call us or fill out the form on the right
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